About Nicole

Welcome to Lily Pad Psychology. I am so glad you've made it here!

Lily Pad Psychology offers psychology services to adults, teens, children and families for a range of concerns/challenges from Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, OCD, ASD, ADHD, Relationship and Family challenges and Behaviour Problems. Nicole is Workcover accredited.

Nicole’s passion is working with children. She has a knack for supporting any child to feel at ease, her sessions are fun and skill’s based. Children will learn life long skills to build their resilience and mental wellbeing in a fun/interesting and engaging way. Nicole’s child clients report that they look forward to coming and often ask their parents when they get to come again!

Parents report they feel heard and understood and that they get practical skills and strategies to improve their relationship with their child. Nicole enjoys working from a systematic perspective, so she treats the child as an individual and also aims to understand the family system that the child is part of, so the whole family unit benefits from her interventions.

Please contact Nicole directly via email for specific inquiries. If you would like to make an appointment with Nicole, please select a location most convenient for you, under our contacts page below.

Principal Psychologist: Ms Nicole Dunn,
B. Psych (Hons), Grad Dip Org Beh, Assoc. MAPS,

Supervising Psychologist. Workcover Accredited, NDIS Provider, Medicare Provider.

Nicole has worked as a Registered Psychologist since 2011 and has been the Principal Psychologist at our clinic since 2012. Nicole is a nationally registered Psychologist with Post Graduate certification in Organisational Behaviour. Nicole has completed undergraduate and post graduate University Training with honours; including B. Psych (Hons) at Newcastle University and The Graduate Diploma of Organisational Behaviour at Macquarie University and produced a thesis on the development of Socially Conditioned Fear at the Brain and Behaviour Lab with Newcastle University. Nicole has completed further training in therapeutic methods for children, adolescents and adults.

Nicole has presented to some of Australia’s largest corporates on enabling Psychologically Healthy workplaces and teams, this involves identifying, intervening and preventing psychosocial risk in the workplace. Nicole provides training and skill development to managers to empower them to support the mental wellbeing of their team, enabling a thriving work environment.

Currently, Nicole’s professional work entails a combination of training, psychologist supervision and general psychology practice. Her work involves using therapy and counselling techniques to assist people overcome emotional and behavioural challenges. Nicole has a broad area of interest including child and adolescent psychology, family dynamics, individual assessment and treatment and Organisational (Workplace) Psychology; Bullying, PTSD, recovering from Injury, returning to work or re-training into new work.

In her career to date, Nicole has consulted to Public and Private industries on work related Psychology, worker injury and rehabilitation, team and individual performance issues, mediation, Bullying allegations, dismissal and re-training and Organisational Change Management.

Nicole also consults to schools to improve their systems and practices both for the school culture, individual students and to up-skill teaching staff on child psychology and healthy workplace practises.

Nicole is on the NSW panel of providers approved to provide intervention and treatment for children with Autism under NDIS.

Nicole is a AHPRA Board Approved Psychologist Supervisor, who supervisors Registered and Provisionally Registered Psychologists. Nicole can tailor a supervision program for the specific training needs of her student Psychologist’s and only takes on a limited number of students to ensure appropriate exposure and mentoring opportunity.

Post Traumatic Stress

Research and Literature

Nicole’s research on Post-Traumatic Stress in 2006 was published in 2008 by Science Direct Peer reviewed Journal. Nicole’s research utilised an animal analogue (rats) of human conditioned social fear to demonstrate the behavioural and neurological effects of socially conditioned fear. Her research led into the neuronal mapping of PTSD in humans and shed light on furthering knowledge in the use of animal analogues and its limitations in this field of research.

Nicole completed her research at the Brain and Behaviour lab, Newcastle University in 2006. Her research led to the granting of two PhD Programs to further investigate the findings of her work at the Brain and Behaviour lab.


Our Services

We offer a variety Assessment and Treatment services to suit your needs.


Nicole is qualified to complete Psychometrics to assist in treatment, Personality and Career Assessment, for Work related injury and Rehabilitation, and Child and Teen assessment for Behavioural Problems. Please discuss with Nicole at your next session, if you are interested in this.


Nicole utilises and eclectic mix of empirically supported strategies to assist clients to make long lasting positive change. Nicole primarily works with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (D.B.T), Solution Focused Therapy, Strengths Based Methodology, Principles from Positive and Coaching Psychology, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), however she will find the right balance that works with you personally to assist you to achieve your goals.


As of January 2024

Psychology Sessions

Therapy for treatment is generally GST exempt as it is classed as a medical service. A standard appointment lasts 50 minutes and my fee is currently $240 per session and $260 for the initial consultation.  Members of private health insurance companies may find that they are covered under ancillary policies. The rebate rate should be checked with the insurer.

Workers’ compensation and motor vehicle accident insurance case may be seen but it is important to note the liability for payment rests with the individual client and you will need a referral from your treating GP

NDIS Programs are tailored for these clients as per their needs, please email Nicole directly with an introduction to your child’s special needs and your treatment requirements.

Medicare Rebate

Nicole can provide Medicare rebates to patients who are referred by a private treating consultant Psychiatrist, consultant Paediatrician or by a General Practitioner who prepare a GP Mental Health Care Plan. This will entitle you to six sessions of rebates and after a review by a GP, another 4 sessions per calendar year.

The current rebate is around $96.65 per 50 minutes or longer session


A cancellation fee may be charged if 48 hours notice is not given.

Psychologist Supervision

Nicole is a AHPRA Board approved Psychologist Supervisor and conducts external supervision for Provisionally Registered Psychologists at an hourly rate of $250 (exl gst) per 50 minute consultation. Please email Nicole directly at nicolepsychology@gmail.com to discuss your supervision needs, so that a tailored service can be developed for you. Nicole is passionate about teaching and developing new Psychologists and giving back to her discipline.

Contact us

Making an Appointment

Please email Nicole directly to make an appointment on nicolepsychology@gmail.com. Payment for Telehealth (Coviu/phone) sessions is due at least 24hrs prior to your consultation to confirm your appointment and is forfeited for cancellations made within 24hrs of a booked appointment.

Clinic Location

Coral Tree Medical Practice
1 Coral Tree Drive
Carlingford, NSW, 2118
Tuesdays, Wednesdays (via Telehealth) and Saturdays